Ickinger, Jochen (Germany)

jochen_ickinger_nexworldJochen Ickinger, M.Eng, born in Heilbronn (Germany) in 1961, Master in geoinformation systems, degrees in business informatics and public administration. Working as an IT senior specialist on geo risk analysis, security data management and cyber threat intelligence. Formerly working as an investigator for the prosecution.

Investigating UFO phenomena since 1981. In the 80s active as case investigator for CENAP, co-editor of a UFO magazine and co-organiser of several conventions. Part of the delegation of critical German UFO researchers at the German ministry of defense (air force high command) in 1984.
Since the 90s primarily engagement in methodology of case investigations and witness interviews, reliability of eyewitness testimonies and perceptual psychology (considering forensic research). On this topics several lectures and publications in the scientific Zeitschrift für Anomalistik (Journal for Anomalistics) und the Journal for UFO-Research (Journal für UFO-Forschung), amongst others.

Member of the Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des UFO-Phänomens, GEP (Society for the Exploration of the UFO Phenomenon), Gesellschaft für Anomalistik, GfA (Society for Anomalistics) and Gesellschaft zur wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung von Parawissenschaften, GWUP (Society for the Scientific Investigation of Parasciences).
Main activity since 2011 as co-responsible operator of the UFO information plattform ufoinfo.de, providing basic information around the UFO topic, UFO research, UFO stimuli, articles and studies as well as a weblog on current topics.

Advocate of a critical scientific methodologically sound study of the UFO phenomena and anomalistics in general.

E-mail: ickinger@ufo-information.de

Magin, Ulrich (Germany)

Ulrich Magin, born 13 November 1962 in Germany, lives as an author and translator near Bonn.

Main interests are cryptozoology (mainly water monsters), all folklore associated with bodies of water, UFOs (especially historic reports, close encounter cases, and USOs), and alternative archaeology (esp. geomancy). He considers himself a fortean sceptic, and has been or is correspondent or columnist of major fortean magazines, such as Fortean Times, INFO Journal, Strange, Pursuit, Ley Hunter, CENAP Report and the Journal für UFO-Forschung.

He has published many articles, book chapters, and books on his research. Books include Kontakte mit Außerirdischen im deutschen Sprachraum (two editions), Von Ufos entführt, Trolle Yetis Tatzelwürmer, Geheimwissenschaft Geomantie, Ausflüge in die Anderswelt, Magischer Mittelrhein, Geheimnisse des Saarlandes, Pfälzer Mysterien, Magische Mosel, Der Tatzelwurm, Rätsel und Mysterien der Eifel and Der Ritt auf dem Kometen (a biography of Charles Fort).

Position Statement

I do not accept eyewitness reports as indicators of reality, I think they tell us more about human perception and its cultural reworking than strange phenomena – in short, I belong to the psychosocial school. Yet, as a fortean, I doubt any weltanschauung that is too self secure, and believe that even science can only approximate reality, but never grasp it.

Current research

Historic reports of forteana from Germany, continental European lake monsters, and UFO close encounter cases in Germany.

Mancusi, Bruno (Switzerland)

mancusi_brunoChemist graduated from the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. Born in Lausanne in 1960 and active in ufology since 1984, he is also interested in paranormal, history, espionage, conspiracies and urban legends. In 1987 he created a database of Swiss sightings: Registre des Observations d’Ovnis en Suisse (ROOS), which has now more than 1400 cases, but not updated after 2000.

From 1988 to 1995, he was member of the editorial boards of Ovni-Présence and Anomalies (France / Switzerland).

Main affiliations:

  • Member of the Association des Amis de la Maison d’Ailleurs (AMDA), since 1989 and member of the Maison d’Ailleurs museum board Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland, since 2008.
  • Swiss correspondent for Centro Italiano Studi Ufologici (CISU), since 1992.
  • Member of the Sauvegarde et Conservation des Etudes et Archives Ufologiques (SCEAU), since 2003.
  • Swiss correspondent for Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), since 2003.

Publications: articles mainly in Ovni-Présence, Anomalies, Il Giornale dei Misteri and La Gazette des Mousquetaires de l’Ufo; co-author of OVNI : vers une anthropologie d’un mythe contemporain (editor: Thierry Pinvidic), Heimdal, Bayeux (France) 1993. Online papers: Academia

Bruno Mancusi
Route d’Echallens 10
CH-1530 Payerne

Munsch, Gilles (France)



Born in 09/1954.
ion: Mechanical engineer
Career (retired): Professor of Mechanical Engineering -Trainer

Vosges (88) East of France


Active in ufology since 1978.

  • Cercle Vosgien Lumières dans la Nuit (CVLDLN) – 1979-1995 (President).
  • Comité Nord-Est des Groupes Ufologiques (CNEGU) – Since 1979.
  • Sauvegarde Conservation des Études et Archives Ufologiques (SCEAU-Archives Ovnis) – Since 1990 (Co-founding member)
  • Member of the VECA Group (Crop Circle) and author of the VECA Report.
  • Geipan Expert and Investigator – Since 2008.

Main activities: investigation and expertise, research & archive preservation.

Other interests: astronomy (since 1974), meteorites (since 2003).

Chabin, Laurent (France)

Laurent Chabin was born in 1968 in the suburbs of Paris.

Was drawn into the field indirectly because of the “1997 Phoenix Lights” case in 2007.

Electrical Engineer, currently developing the hardware of an untethered head mounted display for augmented reality as a full time job.

He sees what such a tool can bring during field investigations for the problem of the estimation of the angular sizes by the witnesses.

He has and will make use of this type of product in field investigations from 2021 on. A sort of SimOVNI of the 21th century.

Field investigator in need of the best set of research articles relevant to the discipline.

Member of SCEAU/Archive OVNI, he worked on open sourced tools helping the automation of conversion of scans into ocred pdfs. Made a little study for SCEAU listing a set of recommendations for the long term storage of files and choice of file formats. He developed a basic and now online full text search tool for FSR, LDLN and Inforespace.

contact is possible thru the euroufo maling list.

Deliyannis,Yannis (France)

img-20200819-wa0008Yannis Deliyannis was born in 1973 and currently lives in Orange, France.

After graduating in Archaeology at the University of Paris-Sorbonne in 1998, he took part in various field work in France, Greece and Turkey. He worked at the Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève and the Bibliothèque universitaire des Langues Orientales in Paris where he participated in the development of a digital database of rare manuscripts.

In 2001, he took part in the creation of the Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art in Paris.

He developed a strong interest for the study of celestial phenomena in both ancient and medieval sources, actively contributing to the Magonia Exchange project.

He collaborated strongly with both Chris Aubeck and Jacques Vallée, most notably during the writing of their collaborative book, Wonders in the Sky.

He is also a supporter of the SCEAU project.

Van Assche, Daniel (Belgium)

dvapicture6778Belgian and born in 1971. He obtained a Master in Political Science (International Relations), a Diploma in Asian Studies and a Diploma in Business Administration from the Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve. After university, he worked on a development project in Central Africa. Since 2001, he joined an international organisation and works in international policies, currently on environmental governance.


Interested in ufology since adolescence, it is mainly the interdisciplinary aspect that motivates him to better understand it. Daniel joined COBEPS in 2008 with a view to actively grasp what the UFO phenomenon is about, going beyond the reading of general books. He has carried out about ten investigations and this fieldwork is essential for him to understand the complexity of the UFO phenomenon. For him, meeting with the witnesses is an essential step to understand an observation and to deepen the elements, which cannot show through a few lines of a report.

Daniel has no belief and wishes to remain without a priori as to the origin and explanation of the UFO phenomenon.

Email: danielkun2002@hotmail.com

Wattecamps, Jean-Marc (Belgium)

portrait2020Born in 1965, Jean-Marc has been interested in the question of UFOs since teenage. He has Masters degrees in Geology, Environmental Sciences and school teaching qualification for Geography. He is currently teacher of Geography, Earth Sciences and Environment in secondary and higher schools. He has long been an activist and manager of two Belgian NGOs for awareness, training and education on environmental issues.

Jean-Marc has basically a profile of field investigator. His first investigations were carried out in the early 1990s within the Sobeps during the Belgian Wave. Thanks his education, the surveys are precise and detailed.

In 2008, he joined Patrick Ferryn, Léon Brenig, Auguste Meessen and some other former members of SOBEPS and participates to the COBEPS. He joins the group that updates the investigations methods and is then in charge of the coordination of the network of investigators.

Open to all aspects of the phenomenon, trained in cognitive interviewing, Jean-Marc has worked to make the investigation and their management more efficient from all points of view. He is particularly interested in angle determinations and their evaluation by eyewitnesses. He also seeks to take advantage of the new resources provided by the Internet for the identification of sightings. In the framework of the COBEPS special study: the complete re-examination of the first day of the Belgian wave (29/11/1989), he is interested in the evaluation of distances using a fuzzy logic model, the automatic classification between IFO and UFO by Machine Learning and the spatial analysis of observations.

Aware of the biases induced by the investigators themselves, of the importance of relationship with witnesses or with other researchers, methodology oriented, Jean-Marc has a socio-constructivist vision of Science. His concrete approach is action research. The researcher/investigator acts in the field of ufology looking collaborations, interdisciplinarity and trying to maintain a great rigor brought by empirical natural sciences.

Several of his investigations and publications are available on the cobeps.org website or in the Academia and ResearchGate profiles.

E-mail: jm.wattecamps@cobeps.org

Ammon, Danny (Germany)

Danny AmmonDr.-Ing. Danny Ammon, medical computer scientist, passively interested in UFOs and other potentially anomalous phenomena since the time of the German reunification. Member of the Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des UFO-Phänomens (GEP e.V.) since 2003. Since 2004 member of the German Society for Anomalistics (Gesellschaft für Anomalistik, GfA).

Current Activities

  • second chairman of the GEP
  • editor of the GEP’s bimonthly Journal for UFO-Research (Journal für UFO-Forschung, jufof)
  • board member of the GfA
  • webmaster of the GfA homepage
  • several publications in jufof, Zeitschrift für Anomalistik, and other German journals and books
  • co-author of an encyclopedic article on UFO sightings in the german-language Handbook of Scientific Anomalistics
  • advocate of a critical, theoretically and methodologically sound, interdisciplinary study of the UFO phenomenon


Baure, Jean-François (France)

Born in 1970, he’s a generalist engineer with a specialisation in electronics & signal processing (after Maths Sup and Maths Spe).
He worked nearly 10 years for the D.G.A. (French weapon procurement agency). After a Master 2R in applied mathematics, he’s now a teacher in mathematics.

In the meantime, he has been scientific coordinator of UFOCOM web site for a few years, trying to gather scientific expertise from different fields (astrophysics, biochemistry, aerospace, digital processing of images/video, …) to be in position to study any material made available to the UFOCOM. His main interest was the Belgian UFO flap that began in the late 80s early 90s. He studied some of the F16 radar lock on data provided by A. Meessen.

He published a recent work with Martin Shough, David Clarke, Paul Fuller and others about a strange aerial luminous phenomenon observed by pilot(s) above the Channel Islands.

He has always been strongly attracted to the idea that life is blooming throughout the universe, and he’s inclined to wonder whether advanced life forms could be visiting/studying/monitoring the homo sapiens evolution and his long march towards the stars. Consequently, he’s interested in all the ways to bring the available UFO related field data to science, even if it is very challenging to work on this collected data, sometimes very sparse, and if in the end, it remains hazardous to discriminate between phenomena originating from earth and phenomena extraterrestrial in nature. He has the longlasting feeling that one must cross many science fields (combining “hard sciences” and social or human psychology, cognitive sciences,…) to properly approach the UFO phenomena.

He’s admirative of the science camps of the Hessdalen project, and of any attempt to make experimental science (gathering ad hoc sensors) on a set of rare phenomena. He’s also curious to see whether the Internet promises (collective intelligence, team working, data-mining, …) combined to all the new mobile technology (imaging, geolocalizing,….) will help the study the UFO phenomena.

E-mail: jeffbaure@gmail.com