Ruesga Montiel, José (Spain)

José Ruesga Montiel  was born in Sevilla, on December 14, 1947. He studied technical architecture at the Sevilla University (1970), anthropology and theology at the Salamanca University (1991) and is working as a director for the regional government.

Interested in UFOs since 1965, he has been an active investigator and an organizer with several associations: founder and president of RNC (Red Nacional de Corresponsales, 1969-1983), editor in chief of Ovni (Malaga, 1969-70), secretary of CEFO (1980-81), editor of Cuadernos de ufologia (1983-1997) and of @nomalia (2000-2003), he was among the founders of Fundacion Anomalia (1996) and its president (2000-2004). A frequent speaker at UFO congresses and conferences, as well as in radio and TV (1974-1999), he has written countless articles in Spanish and international UFO journals, as well as chapters in collective UFO books.

Among his ongoing UFO projects, he is coordinating “Proyecto Mèliès” (UFOs and ET in cinema) and “Music and UFOs”.

Besides ufology, his interests include art (as an awarded  painter and photographer) and archaeology (working with Museo Arqueologico Hispalense).

His home address is: Domicilio: C/ Antoñita Colomé, 7 -2º B, 41007 Sevilla, España
