Rivera, Jean-Luc (France)

Born December 15th, 1952, Jean-Luc has been fascinated by UFOs and strange phenomena for more than 40 years. After graduating from law schools in France and NYC, he moved on to manage subsidiaries of french companies and his own companies in Europe, the Middle-East and the USA while traveling extensively worldwide.

In the mean time, he was pursuing his own ufological interests, being a member of the GEPA and LDLN in France, of the MUFON in the US – cofounding with Alain Gamard the French Humanoid Study Group, after being a member of the MUFON Humanoid Study group founded by his old friend Ted Bloecher -, meeting UFO researchers everywhere and attending numerous UFO conventions and gatherings in Europe and America. Except for writing with Alain Gamard the postface of “Les apparitions d’humanoïdes” by Eric Zurcher (1979) and the chapter devoted to the abduction phenomenon in “Le temps et les OVNI” by Jean-Luc Chaumeil (1992) plus a few articles, Jean-Luc was too busy collecting and reading books and magazines (1800 UFO books, 2000 fortean books, countless collections of UFO and paranormal magazines) and using them as a data bank for the use of his researchers friends.

Beside pursuing his own interests  (CEIII, abductions and pre-arnoldian sightings plus nazi saucers, Hollow Earth and Rennes-le-Château mythologies), he is in the mean time the editor-in-chief of “La Gazette Fortéenne” ( a yearly volume on all fortean topics, now in its fourth year) and responsible for the “Bibliothèque Fortéenne” (publishing books on fortean topics) and the “Bibliothèque Heuvelmansienne” (which will republish all of the cryptozoological books written by Bernard Heuvelmans, the ‘father’ of cryptozoology), plus numerous book projects, all at the editions de l’Oeil du Sphinx in Paris.

Some of his major other interests are in the science-fiction litterature where he has been busy reading and collecting books too since the age of 9. He is the founder and organizer of the “Festival de science-fiction et de fantasy de Sèvres”, now in its second year.