F. Boitte was born January 10, 1940 in Brussels (Belgium).
During the 1954 belgian Ufo-wave, he discovers Aimé Michel in articles in Moustique Magazine (now TV Moustique) which lead him to found an “Investigations Ufo Study Committee” of which he is the sole member. Acting as the president, secretary and archivist, he collects clippings and exchanges letters with some of the time authored early ufologists such as Marc Thirouin.
In 1963, he meets P. Morlet, son of Ms. May Morlet, founder of BUFOI and on May 23, 1963 acquaints with George Adamski at a private meeting. He becomes quickly disappointed by the cultist atmosphere pervading the group and the lack of actual on-the-field investigations.
That same year he obtains a degree in Business Engineering at the Solvay High Business School of the University of Brussels and after the death of his father (1966), rules the family’s independent chartered accountant company.
In 1972, Boitte joins SOBEPS. Shortly after, and despite the offer made to him to collaborate to the construction of a computer cases data-base, he prefers to join the inquiry team, ruled by J.L. Vertongen, which leads him to interview and meet more than 250 witnesses during the next 20 years.
During this period, he does and files up SOBEPS archives with 84 Belgian Ufo investigation reports and a few additional ones abroad (France).
In 1975 he becomes a Computing Project Manager for a German multinational company to carry out programming computer management projects. In 1976, he gets an after-hour Bachelor of Science Management Diploma at the Saint Louis High Business Institute in Brussels.
In 1987 French ufologist Jean-Pierre Troadec let him consult his file of “Contactees/RR4 Reports”, which allows him to know and meet the woman that one year later will become his companion and on June 15, 2002, his 2nd wife.
In 1989 the Belgian wave begins, during which Boitte interviewssd dozens of witnesses and files up about 30 investigations reports. In 1992, he migrates to France where he is now living.
During the 5th Ufologic Gatherings held in Lyon (18 to 20th May 1991), and notwithstanding the opposition of the copyrighter of the picture, he exposes the state of current research and first analysis conclusions of the Petit-Rechain photograph, placing himself in favour of its authenticity.
In 2002 he becomes a member of the (skeptic) PARA Committee (Belgium) and SCEAU.
See Franck Boitte’s bibliography.
e-mail: franckboitte@orange.fr