D’Alessandro, Giancarlo (Italy)

D'Alessandro, Giancarlo (Italy)Giancarlo D’Alessandro was born in 1957. After graduating in medicine at the University of Florence in 1984, he has since worked as an M.D. within the Italian Air Force (enrolled since 1975), presently serving in Milan as a Lt. Colonel.

In his teen years he was part of a local UFO group in Caserta which published the bulletin Orizzonti sconosciuti between 1974 and 1977, later merging into the CUN.

A member of CISU since 1986, he has investigated several close encounters and pilot sightings, some of them published in the journal UFO – Rivista di informazione ufologica, and he is coordinator of the Milan branch.

He is also a compulsive collector of UFO literature and gadgets of any kind. As a long-time philatelist, he is also cataloguing all UFO-related postmarks (as well as phone cards and banknotes or coins) into what he called PhilCat.

Mailing address: via Aurispa 7, 20122 Milano, Italy
Phone: +39 (02) 58325214
E-mail: ascaris@tin.it